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  • Interested in Becoming a Sponsor or Exhibitor?

    LRVS provides various ways for sponsors / exhibitors to support the community while gaining exposure as well as other benefits!

LRVS 2023 Sponsors

Take a look at some of the sponsors at LRVS 2023!

LRVS Value


Connecting with international experts and
influencers who can evaluate your products and
influence their adoption


Positioning your company as a leader in the
Lubrication and Reliability space by showcasing your innovations


Gaining worldwide recognition and visibility for 

your brand with enhanced branding 



Demonstrating your company as a thought leader and positioning your services and technology in front of end-users and influencers


Creating opportunities to recruit top tech
 talent and building relationships with 
in-demand professionals


Fostering employee development—give conference passes to technical staff who will develop deeper connections with industry peers and bring new ideas back to your company

What You Should Know

Past Sponsors & Exhibitors